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Objects & subjects

A grid where things are hooked, connected, enter into relationship and change with each other. And the network, a piece at a time, begins to work ...

The communities of scientists, have always shared the discoveries, not selling them as if they were commodities. So, to each they recognize his merits, but all the science moves on. We have often observed that children like to behave as little scientists.


Scienza in gioco alla primaria is a web space with a very large number of links, organized in reference to the different classes, or in the form of maps, edited by  Paola Limone,  which also gives us another rich vein in the Projects Progetti "Scienza in rete" and "Mappe gemelle".


A synthetic map of the animal kingdom by Paolo Beneventi, nel corso delle attività connesse all'organizzazione con i bambini delle scuole del Museo Virtuale dei Piccoli Animali.

Mainly from the work with schools and the discoveries of kids, they come the ebooks written by Paolo Beneventi, of photography, science and rhymes , published with the house Mammeonline.


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