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  • An international working group

  • A cultural engagement for the cooperation between people and nations, for a conscious and purposeful use of technology.

  • Tools to share ideas, experiences, projects, to know each other and do together

A project in progress:
The Look of Children's at the World!

February 2018: the association Terra Insieme is officially established.
We start with two international projects :
The Look of the Children at the World was presented at the MICE in Valencia on Saturday 17 February.
The Chidren's Virtual Museum of Small Animals, is now back with the first public release during Brescia Green 2018, from 13 to 15 April in Brescia,

Join Terra Insieme

Membership is free, we are looking for collaboration, not money!

If the Network goes, We can do it!

A Video Showroom

Giocooperiamo, Brescia 2017

Il Film in Tasca (The Films in the Pocket), Siena 2017

Il Film in Tasca (The Films in the Pocket), Siena 2017

Nel Mirino del Malvagio (In the Crosshair of the Wicked One, Calenzano (Florence) 2017

Recent and upcoming history

April 13, 2018

Terra Insieme partakes in Brescia Green

Three days dedicated to the environment and sustainability in the heart of the historic center of Brescia, a festival that actively involves institutions and citizens, schools and universities, green economy companies and organizations, local cooperatives and third sector realities, each in its own way , promoters of sustainability, attention to the environment and to more conscious lifestyles.

March 26, 2018

Rome. Terra Insieme collaborates with the launch of the "Activistas Civicos" platform

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March 11, 2018

Paolo Beneventi starts a video workshop by the primary school Ungaretti, in Brescia

It's part of the international project "The Look of Children at the World", here sponsored by the Municipality of the town of Brescia.

March 08, 2018

Paolo Beneventi starts the video workshop with the Cecco Angiolieri comprehensive institute in Siena

It is a "pon" project out of school hours, connected with activities that will take place in the classrooms and derived from the "I Film in Tasca" workshop, conducted privately between 2016 and 2017 at the Meridiana Cultural Centre in the San Miniato district

February 16, 2018

Presentation of the project "The Look of Children at the World" at the MICE in Valencia

Paolo Beneventi, president of Terra Insieme, takes part in the Mostra Internacional Cinema Educatiu in Valencia., meeting operators from different parts of the world.  Collaborative projects are born and consolidated.

January 31, 2018

The Terra Insieme association is established in Brescia

The aim is to promote sociality, knowledge, communication, information production, with publications, events, conferences, courses, laboratories, research and study activities at national and international level, with particular reference to educational contexts, to children and young people, as active players in the information society.

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The Children's Virtual Museum of Small Animals, Brescia, 2014

Images from activities associated with Terra Insieme, or with the group variously connected.

Insects at Gran Sasso, 2016

Join Terra Insieme!

La Banca sui Banchi (The Bank on the School Desks), Calcio (Bergamo) 2014

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2015 by Terra Insieme, created with

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