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A grid where things are hooked, connected, enter into relationship and change with each other. And the network, a piece at a time, begins to work ...
Music is a a universal language, that goes through the peoples and cultures of the world ...
Contacts are under way with authors such as Fiorella Colombo and Laura di Biase, publishing houses and others.
Music is a universal language capable as few to bring together individuals and peoples.But even with the music one can play and today, thanks to the digital media and network, it has become easier to compose, play, record and share music.
Il Lombrico Joe (Earthworm Joe)
This that looks like a video clip is a video built on a song made years ago by Piero Giambruno with Paolo Beneventi, who still gather here, to work with Terra Insieme..
Cup Song al Cappuccino
2 minute video with Davide Stecca. Capranica (Viterbo, Italy), 29 Jun 2017. Full movie (8'38") on Vimeo Terra Insieme Channel.
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