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Objects & subjects

A grid where things are hooked, connected, enter into relationship and change with each other. And the network, a piece at a time, begins to work ...

Cinema video, TV, Media Education


Animated Cinema

In the world, many groups of children are actors, authors, directors of video, and many are the places, festivals, exhibitions, where one can present these productions of children, often beautiful, and different from the usual television.

If It is not always possible to meet in person, let us exchange our videos works on the web!


Bravo Bragosso, Primary School "G. Marchetti", IC Chioggia 1,  trainer Anna Maso, 2013


The first video published by Paolo on YouTube (when the quality was not as good as now ): 1 minute from a workshop with the kids of Havana. At first it could not be embedded, so a message arrived from Spain, by Jacqueline Sanchez Carrero: " Let me put it in my blog !"

Centres and Associations of Media Education


Media Education Centre, Belgrade, Serbia

Zaffiria, Bellaria, Italy

Kids for Kids, England

NFFS, Holland

Avisco, Brescia, Italy

MED, Italy

Spot oficial MICE 2014, Valencia

Magazines on line, Blogs, Web TVs, Radios

Frutas animadas (Animated fruit). Stop motion video made by the studenti of 4th ESO of IES Pérez comendador at Plasencia (Spain),  trained by José Luis Muñoz, 2013.

Telekids, Spain - Latin America

TeleClipTV, Spain - World

Radiojojo, Germany

Midiativa, Brasil

Tools & publications

Pequeños Directores,

(Young directors), book

Jacqueline Sánchez Carrero 2008

Special Effects, Paolo Beneventi 2014 (remix)


For courses and events, Terra Insieme contact

We would like to deal in a helpful and constructive way also with camcorders, cameras, smart phones, "action cams" and other.

There are a number of functions maybe  useful or maybe not, that the market offers, gives and takes away every few months, leaving no time to users to understand and truly choose.


What features should have a video tool suitable for an educational use? What cool features have passed and have been lost in the meantime, but it could be useful to recover?


Editing programs, video grammar. Let's talk earnestly here! 


Hardware - Software

Advertising & News of children

Contact person for Terra Insieme: Paolo Beneventi

From teaching (eg. ecoding of advertising messages), to the creative use in first person of the elements of "latent culture" we all have, as we all grew up in the television communication system.

Children, not left alone with the TV medium, can offer intelligent and enlightening answers, often beyond the expectations of educators.

TV News of the Night, all shot by kids, training and editing of Paolo Beneventi, Cagliari, Italy, 2010

Prigion Baby, Product and spot invented by children. From an experience of the last century with Paolo Beneventi. Soresina (Cremona), Italy, 1995.


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