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Workshop at la Timba

Havana, Cuba 2007 and 2009

with Paolo Beneventi 


Vídeo workshop  at la Timba, with Paolo Beneventi. La Habana, Cuba 2007

In the first workshop the group used two cameras. In the second one of them broke, so we have not backstage scenes.  Kids managed devices naturally and, after a very littletraining, also very properly, taking good and steady shots.

Paolo Beneventi was in 2007 and 2009 for two 3 days workshops with the kids of Timba, a popular area in Havana, Cuba. They used cameras, a tripod, a video projector, a PC, playing with frames and effects and inventing stories. Most of the shots in this videos were taken by the children thmeselves.

Some people think that kids today are good in managing digital devices because from their birth they are "exposed" to the means. Those Cuban kids had never had a cell phone in hand before, but they were able to play with PCs and effects without any problem.

Vídeo workshop  at la Timba, with Paolo Beneventi. La Habana, Cuba 2009

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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