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from the world


Here are some videos, made in a significant part by the kids, from different countries. From something like this we had the idea to promote "the Look of Children" as a point of view that the whole of society should know.

Means today are easy, powerful and cheap and kids can show almost "directly" their point of view, without the needs to be "explained" by teachers and psychologists!

Just the introduction to a longer video made all by the kids of 3rd grade: from the wonder of a sunbeam lighting a  a basket of apples. Urago d'Oglio (Brescia), Italy 2012.

Nel Mirino del Malvagio, from a 3 day workshop, Calenzano (Firenze), Italia) 2017

This film was made during a 5 days summer workshop in the isle Ikaria in Aegean see, Greece, attended by 15 students, July 2012. Camera Zizanio.

Llums càmera....cinema (a l'escola), Barcelona, Spain, 2017
expo idea uruguay 49.jpg

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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