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Here are the kids who educate and teach how things can be done! While doing, they understand and explain, from a point of view we all should pay attention to. Siena, Italy 2017

The first video published by Paolo Beneventi on YouTube was 1 minute work from a workshop with the kids of Havana, Cuba 2007. A message from Spain by Jacqueline Sanchez Carrero: "Can I put it in my blog?"

A workshop by Paolo Beneventi during Camera Zizanio Festival 2018, wit the 1st primary school of Pyrgos, Greece. Shooting every part of the activities, from the interviews to the final "stories", kids teach us how they have worked.

This is from Josep Oriol school, video coordinated by Jaume Martin, where kids do and present almost everything. Barcelona, Spain, 2017.

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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