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Primary school "G. Marchetti", workshop by Anna Maso,Chioggia (Venezia), Italy ,  2013

From the workshop of Jacqueline Sánchez Carrero, a simple but effective animation with LEGO, "El profesor de inglés", Sevilla, Spain 2014.

ACQUA (Water)
4th grade primary school Vespucci" of Quarto d'Altino (Venezia), Italy, workshop by Anna Maso, year 2012-2013.

Frutas animadas. Stop motion video made by the students of the  4th ESO of IES Pérez comendador a Plasencia (Spain),  with José Luis Muñoz, 2013.

Perro Salchicha
An animation made by the Escuela Especial Maria Montessori of Córdoba, Argentina presented at Festicortos 2011.
From a workshop by Festicortos (Argentina) during MICE 2018, in schools around Valencia, Spain.
El Mar(The See), "The Mate", Buenos Aires, Argentina 2016.
More than video animation, this is Shadow Animation, that is to say theatre. But kids make it for a video production.

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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