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Doors to Signs


In people's mind, "Cinema" is still something more than "Video", concerning professional, artistic productions.
Speaking of children and technology today, the boundaries between cinema and video become more blurred and undefined, even if a "film" is probably always considered a "serious" production, in which the adults count more, possibly published also on a physical support, such as a DVD or a Blu-Ray.
Producing together, Kids and Adults, can be 
a feature of the cinema of children. This can happen in many ways, opening great opportunities for a new culture and a new world.
For example, working with young kids and listening to their way of telling things, artists can develop new "styles" of communication, as in the case of Kristin.

Kristin Brenneman Eno is used to let the children tell about pictures by recording "voice over". It is another way through which videos involving children, even if they have not physically shot them, then become "their".
Among the little things she did over the years, Sophie in the Trees is simple and fascinating.

Kristin, as an artist imagining with the video through the eyes and the voices of children, in 2011 created this precious Spirit Ship, in which the abandoned industrial area of Red Hook in Brooklyn, New York, USA, becomes a garden of wonders!

Works in between are more frequent, since in scholastic productions there are not usually the time neither the competences for really making cinema.
But also watching "attempts" can be interesting!

Don Santino here is an example of "fiction" in its own page .

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