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A new Copernican revolution?


In summary. Let's think of how many words, images, messages we use for teaching, that is suggesting, settling how to do things! But then, why so little interest in what then we actually do? And especially in what children do, their responses to our teaching, their autonomous cultural expressions!

Maybe this is also because we had been used to live in a world where things we do were difficult to communicate, where only very few of them could be selected for books, TV broadcasts and other mass media communication.

But now this selection is no longer technically necessary and probably, if we learn how to know and communicate the world in first person, we would improve our active citizenship and overall quality of life.


From here... pieces of history, theory and comparison of ideas, as well as suggestions on how to set up the "real site", the common platform to be built where to store and consult documents, and to work together!

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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