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Signs from children
Doors to Signs
Storytelling is probably the most ancient cultural expression of mankind.
Simply from the voice and the words of elders, all generations of children in history have always been fascinated listening to tales.
But we can tell stories also using bodies, music and singing, painting and drawing, and machines of course, especially in our technological times. All kids like and enjoy it very much.
Cover for a book, layout by kids and special effects from hand moving the sheet under a photocopier. Primary schools in Brescia, Italy, 1987-88.
E-drawings are made with electronic devices by kids since 40 years, but we do not have generally memory of them. Many good drawing programs were forgotten and abandoned during the years, turning possible paths of creativity into the clichés of the unique thought and software (as well as the "author programs" of the 90s, who remembers them?)
How many stories did we give up to tell?
The story of a fantastic town made by children, with papers, with bodies. Inventiamo una città (Let's invent a city!) Brescia, Italy, 1982.
Stories, layouts, illustrations, characters-cards, hand made folding books, and expressive tableau vivants, Here below a lion goes into a hospital during a surgery! Mazzano - Brescia, Italy, 1983.
Workshop at Arte in Gioco Fair (Art at stake), Arcore - Milano, Italy, 1999.
The title kids gave to the story was: The Gioconda and Prince Lemon!
Workshop at Amico Libro fair (a book as a friend), Belgioioso - Pavia, Italy, 1999.
Workshop at 20.000 Libri sotto il Libro (20.000 Books under the Books), San Marino, 1998.
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