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Continuavano a chiamarlo Don Santino

They kept calling him Don Santino, Siena, Italy 2018

with Paolo Beneventi 


A 30 hours workshop with students of middle school with tutor/teachers but out of class time, led by Paolo Beneventi.
«Aside from the final "movie", good enough for the acting and some ideas and scenes, it is interesting to have in this case a complete video documentation of all the steps of the work, from the first interviews of the kids one another, through the invention of the story,  the trials, the shots, with many students playing different roles, up to the final meeting with a TV professional, talking almost as colleagues.
Continuavano a chiamarlo Don Santino, the movie
The students are not "taught" about things, but "naturally" they learn how to work while playing, sharing ideas, taking each their skills in the group and putting them together, having the adult coordinator as a technical and cultural reference point.
It can be important to have a good documentation, even more if it is made by the students themselves, from the beginning, thanks to the "perfect" shots anyone can get with a camera put on a tripod.
Continuavano a chiamarlo Don Santino, the documentary
Video is a medium that kids, even very young, can manage as protagonists, together with adults who assist them as guarantors in the group and technical support (tips and final editing). They can show almost directly who they are and what they do, beyond all the bizarre narratives of a society often describing them but seldom listening to them
Thanks to a technology which for the first time in history can give them directly a voice, in  a world where an overdose of means corresponds to a desperate lack of real communication among people, groups and nations, the youngest maybe can help to send global important messages of peace and life.

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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