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of Small Animals

The Children's Virtual Museum

Working together


Filming, photographing, we started collecting images of insects, spiders, centipedes, snails. We thought these beings have scientific names that are the same all over the world. We could swap cards with children who also live in distant countries.

So it was born the first VIRTUAL MUSEUM OF SMALL ANIMALS, discovered and shared by children.

A Trailer!

Classis Arachinida, Ordo Araneae, Fam. Salticidae, Sitticus sp. Bagnolo Mella (Brescia), Italy, 18 Aprile 2013, kindergarten .

Macro photography & video

Coccinella septempunctata_006.jpg

Classis Insecta: Ordo Coleoptera, Fam. Coccinellidae, Coccinella septempunctata; Ordo Hemiptera (Rhynchota), Subordo 

Homoptera Sternorrhyncha, Macrosiphum rosae, Brescia,

April 3 2007

Classis Amphibia, Ordo Anura, Fam. Hylidae, Hyla intermedia. Adda river bank, Italy, 18 Mar 2008, group of teenagers.

Direct experience in the field

Classis Insecta: Ordo Hymenoptera, Fam. Formicidae, Crematogaster scutellaris. Ants discovered by the kids in their school gardens, primary and kindergarten  Brescia, Italy 2012.

Scientific classification

Polyxenus lagurus_02.jpg

Subphylum Myriapoda, Classis Diplopoda, Ordo Polyxenida, Fam. Polyxenidae, Polyxenus lagurus, Brescia, Italy, Mar. 17 2010, primat school.

Exchange among the children of the world

Classis Insecta, Ordo Lepidoptera, Fam. Sphingidae, Acherontia atropos. Putignano (Bari), Italy 2015, primary school.

A project with Scuola Verde del Gran Sasso


Classis Insecta, Ordo Hymenoptera, Fam. Vespidae, Vespa crabro. Brescia, Italy, 26 October 2010, primary school.

Drawing & Art

Art Studio Petit Montmarte, Belgrade, Serbia., 2011.

Classis Insecta, Ordo Neuroptera, Fam. Hemerobiidae, Micromus posticus.. Brescia, Italy 2014, primary school.

3rd grade, Arici school, Brescia, Italy 2007

2020 by Terra Insieme, created with

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